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Islam is die mees vinnig groeiende godsdiens

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    Tegen 2050 zullen er wereldwijd bijna evenveel moslims (2,76 miljard) als christenen (2,92 miljard) zijn, zeggen de projecties van Pew Research. De islam is daarmee de snelst groeiende godsdienst ter ...


    Article information

    Author: Justin White

    Last Updated: 1703228762

    Views: 618

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (91 voted)

    Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Justin White

    Birthday: 2013-06-17

    Address: 73140 Micheal Road, Lake Steven, AK 91116

    Phone: +4242946180975977

    Job: Surveyor

    Hobby: Aquarium Keeping, Telescope Building, Scuba Diving, Metalworking, Cocktail Mixing, Table Tennis, Yoga

    Introduction: My name is Justin White, I am a audacious, daring, lively, resolved, courageous, transparent, cherished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.